Bring Home Sacred Desire
Explore the journey of Tantra with other couples in the safety and comfort of one’s home. You’ll learn ways to
"Honor your Woman” and “Honor your Man,” as well as practical tools such as conscious touch, erotic kissing, and igniting your sexual energy. It’s a wonderful treat for couples, filled with playful exploring, all done in a safe atmosphere of mutual respect.
You're invited to immerse yourself in a luscious experience of Sacred Desire — deeply sensual, and emotionally profound. You'll be able to experience these Tantric exercises within the group, with respect for boundaries and fully clothed. More intimate exercises will be saved for you and your beloved in the privacy of your own bedroom.
In the comfort of your own home, take a journey into Tantra with other couples, to explore the rich practices that will reignite the passion that naturally belongs in your relationship.
If you've ever experienced being stuck in old habits of lovemaking, or felt old wounds or fears interfering with the flow of love, using these time-tested techniques can restore the vitality and intimacy you and your partner desire. Couples who use these Tantric practices experience a sacredness in lovemaking, a sweet centering on "us" and not just "me" — in addition to having a lot more fun!
Why not choose to be as successful and fulfilled in your intimate relationship as you are in other aspects of your life? Why not wake up to that reservoir of pleasure and delight that's been hidden inside? Isn't it time to ignite the fires of passion once again?
"There are only four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for? What is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love."
We invite you to host in your home a weekend Tantra course, focusing on "Honoring Your Woman." A second course is available, "Honoring Your Man," once the first is completed. Here are some of the things you will learn from the course:
to unlock your ability for true intimacy and flowing passion.
to be fully present in intimate settings with your beloved.
to explore the art of conscious touch - from erotic kissing to sacred spot massage.
to develop the skills for multi-orgasmic, blissful lovemaking.
to cultivate your own reservoir of unlimited pleasure - awakening your Shakti (the active, dynamic inner reservoir of sexual power).
For a fuller description, please visit our webpages: Wild Intimacy and Art of Tantra.
The schedule for the weekend event is:
Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (1-hour lunch break)
Sunday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
There are three simple steps to bringing Sacred Desire home...
1. Invite your family and friends to join you for an exciting weekend of learning and experiencing the art of Tantra in the comfort of your own home. (Contact us for a sample invitation letter.)
The course fee is $395 per couple with a minimum of five couples and a maximum of 12 couples. The hosting couple attends free of charge for opening their home for the course and for promoting the event.
2. Complete the Contact Us form below to receive a request form for hosting a Bring Home Sacred Desire event.
A refundable deposit of $250 is required to reserve your course dates. Upon completion of the course, or if the course is canceled, your deposit will be refunded in full. Course fees from a total of four couples (hosting couple attends for free) must be paid two weeks in advance to confirm your event.
3. Robert Wagner of Wild Sacredness will contact you to confirm the dates of your course, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
That's it!
We look forward to bringing Sacred Desire to your home! Feel free to call Robert at 541-301-8591 or email him at:
robert@wildsacredness.com if you have questions.