Step 1: Clarify Your Purpose
Getting clear on your mission is the first step. Perhaps you really don’t know what you want to do, or maybe you’ve always had an inkling but some trepidation is holding you back from moving toward it. Many fears can crop up— “What if I’m not good enough to pull it off?” or “It has to be the right time or it won’t work!” or “I need to do (x,y,z…) before I’ll allow myself to go for it.” Sometimes these obstacles are so great they obscure the vision itself!
Our tools for gaining clarity include the Day Walk, journaling exercises, and exploring your thoughts through focused quiet time or speaking with friends. One of our most powerful offerings for getting clear on your purpose is the Sacred Quest, a rare opportunity to reconnect with your essence, the part of your spirit that intuitively knows what you came here to do.
Once clarity is gained—even if your purpose is not totally explicit yet—your attention will naturally lock into a direction that will become clearer with each step you take. Then the excitement of possibilities begins to bubble up…