The Sacred Quest
The Sacred Quest is our foundational wilderness journey, in which you bring your intention, your values and heritage, and your life experience into an encounter with self—an inner journey to ponder your own essential mysteries and gifts. It’s an opportunity to let go of what needs to be released, and welcome in what wants to come forth.
This powerful 7-day Sacred Quest includes a time of preparation as a group, a 72-hour solo fasting retreat, and a return to the group where your experience is shared and your gifts reclaimed. This quest takes place amid the towering firs and cedars, green meadows, and natural springs of the Cascade Mountain Range in Ashland, Oregon. The remote location provides a beautiful, uplifting environment for the journey. One senses a protection, tranquility, and also a liveliness in the lush, verdant surroundings—when we’re immersed in the natural world, we can better hear Spirit speaking.
"Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be."
Ready to embrace your essence and reignite your authentic self?
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